Friday, September 29, 2006

Termination Dust

This morning I looked up at Knutsen Mountain and lo and behold, snow on the peak! Guess that's the end of whatever summer we had.

Upload speeds are so slow, I'm going to wait until I get to Anchorage on Monday to upload the rest of the HGTW pictures.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Waterbaby returns!

I'm actually ambivalent about returning home. On the one hand, it's great to be back with my wife and son, and on the other, I'm sad about leaving all of my friends, and my "other" family. Such wonderful memories are flooding me right now that I think I need some time to process the whole experience. This conference, 'Hearts Going Toward Wellness' was the most uplifting, sanctified gathering I've ever attended. I can't wait for the "next" one! There are so many people that I already miss!

I've included pictures of our time, and over the next few days, I will try to get as many posted as possible. Feel free to copy them.

These are my friends Steve and Trisha.
Aren't they cute? (Don't hurt me!)

A few years back when I was at a Beauty For Ashes, my first as a leader, I was asked to introduce myself and add a "blurb" about my life. I commented that I was born on Lake Iliamna, and Lydia Olsen quipped, "That must have been cold!" Henceforth, she has referred to me as "waterbaby". Due to the fact that I have a great deal of respect and love for her, in spite of the teasing, I am owning this moniker! Thanks, Lydia! :-)

You're right, Connie, I have been having an inordinate amount of trouble uploading, hence the lateness of these additions! :-(


Friday, September 15, 2006


Hey! Guess what?? I was invited to attend a ceremony in the decaying apple! NY, NY that is. I was supposed to be representing BBNA at a Citgo sponsered ceremony. You may notice I'm saying "supposed to be", that's because I've made a decision to not go. There were many factors surrounding that decision....Nancy couldn't's basically a one day trip to fly clear across the country, turn right around and fly back....the per diem issue is bad...$64 a day for meals in New York City!! Ridiculous! Oh well. Can't wait for Kodiak!

I've included some pictures of the picnic Nancy, Eliajh and I had a couple of weeks ago. Great fun, and the perfect beach to have it on. We deemed it "Our Beach". So, for those of you out seeking great beaches to picnic upon, seek on...just stay away from ours!! LOL!

Those are hobos on the fire, my dad's boat, and my son doing his fly guy routine.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Froggy day

Well, the land is cooling off at a regular rate now. This is the second day in a row we've had fog, and the temps continue to drop at night, it won't be long now.

I have got to get away from this weather jag I'm on! There has got to be other things I can notate besides the weather......wait a minute.....nope! Weather is it! :-)

I've included a couple of "fog pictures" for your perusal, yes...just for you!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What??!! No rain???

Amazingly enough the weather seems to be leveling off, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, September has yet to be survived. Historically, this is the month when water levels rise to unprecedented heights, and every stream and river is flooding. Being that all of the above occured in August, I'm a bit nervous about what September will bring.

Heading out to Kodiak Island on Sunday for the Hearts Going Toward Wellness conference. Haven't ever been, it's a bit intriguing to visit our biggest island. Can't wait to see all of my brothers and sisters!

Elijah has discovered the joy of woodworking, and already is lamenting the fact that it will take another six weeks before he receives his next "kit". Very fun watching him concentrating so hard on getting it right.


Friday, September 01, 2006


Things keep moving on me here. I'm the only one in the office, not sure why, but I am. There's all the stuff that needs to be done here, and there's the things that need to be done for my parents while they're gone. I'm answering phones, meeting planes, hauling people, delegating jobs, etc. Keepin' me hoppin', as bizarre a mental picture that may be.

Here's shot of my sons class. It's dress up day, and of course, he goes right over the top, suit and tie! Nancy was up late getting the suit cleaned and ironed, worth it though, doesn't he look smokin'!

"Yo! Where my dogs at?"


Uploading again.......naturally!

I was having a problem uploading photos for a bit. Seemed that every time I attempted an upload, it failed at around 90%. Needless to say, this became a bit frustrating after four or five attempts. So far, the problem hasn't reoccured. I hope to have at least 10 or so more uploaded in the next day or so.

The shots below show a couple of bovine inhabitants of the local tailings pond at the Gibralter mine, and Heidi sampling the tailings pond water. The cows were part of a herd that belonged to a local farm, and in British Columbia, it's a law that they are allowed to roam wherever they want. Apparently, these cows just wanna hang out by the tailings pond. Heidi, on the other hand, just drank the pond water. Moo. (belch)'re not reading this, are you Heidi? ;-)
