Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The absence of Summer

Well, summer was non-existant. I believe you could count the "summer days" on one hand. Fall was early, and looking out at the snow on the ground at this very moment brings about an involuntary shudder. I can't believe winter has already started!

Just found out one of my favorite guitarists has passed away. Jeff Healey succumbed to cancer at 41 years of age. What a loss, the man could really play!

The turmoil, drama and controversy surrounding my employment continues, albeit slightly more muted. I've been able to lead my first tour of the PLP site, fittingly, it was my village touring. Things on that end of my life have been progressing. I'm learning more about the "art" of stakeholder relations (thanks to Heidis tutelage) and being able to put this stuff into practice is fulfilling. I am still very much enjoying this job.

We've had a stomach virus sweep the village. It knocked down 16 people in one night. In a village of 50, that's a huge hit. All because someone sick thoughtlessly kept contact with the rest of the community instead of staying home and recovering. Issued a memo that should deal with it.

Busy couple of months coming up for me. Traveling to Anchorage for AFN next week, then to Saskatoon, Saskatchawan for a Canadian Aborgininal Minerals Association conference. Should be very interesting. December is the Bureau of Indian Affairs Service Providers Conference in Anchorage, along with BBNCs Leadership Workshop. Whew!


Thursday, June 19, 2008


How ya living life? Enjoying your loved ones? Taking time to smell the fireweed? I am. Finally. Life has taken on a new flavor for me in the last couple of weeks. I'm home. Alone. Nancy and Elijah are in Albuquerque spending time with my mother in law, Barb. Bob, my father in law, was taken from us far to quickly on the 30th of May. He fell from a ladder, causing immense damage to his body, and slipped away 30 hours later. I was the only one who could not make it for the funeral or grieving process. That in it's self was a big emotional hurdle for me. How do I say good bye? Am I wrong not to be there? I know what he would say, but still I have this nagging guilt about not being there with my family.

I have a huge amount of respect for the man Bob was. The way he prioritized his life, putting his family first and always making the time to "be there" was, and still is, a source of inspiration to me. This is what I need to do. I guess it's kind of a wakeup call for me. Life moves to fast to be totally focused on what's around the next corner, I need to be "here and now".

So, yeah...I miss Bob. Still having a hard time going through the pictures I have of our last trip to see them. I do cherish the memories I have though. Bob in bunny ears at Easter is one of them. Or quietly watching TV with Holly asleep on his lap. He was quite a guy. A man's man, yet...a man with a huge heart and the capacity to love without reservation those around him. Robert Dean Ostby was truly a great man.

Good bye Dad, I will truly miss you.



Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mexican Riviera

This is the tail-end of a month-long trip, culminating in an 8 day cruise to the Mexican Riviera. We are in San Diego as I write, having just debarked a few hours ago, tomorrow we head for the frigid climes we call home.

Zihuatenejo harbor

Carnival Spirit - Zihuatenejo

Me! (Zihuatenejo)

Ixtapa - Dorado Pacifico

Approaching Zihuatenejo

Manzanillo Harbor - industrial!

Manzanillo sunset

Leaving Manzanillo

Leaving Manzanillo

Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas

Cruise ships anchored Cabo

Towel Elephant!


Nancy in hot tub - Acapulco

Elijah on the waterslide

Acapulco at night

Cabo San Lucas

Elijah on the Lido Deck - first day

Elijah on the first formal night

Acapulco harbor

Acapulco pier