Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Throttled back

I just found out that Starband has started enforcing a 3.4 GB transfer limit, so now if I hit that limit within 7 days, they throttle us back to less then 100 KBS. Ridiculous! So much for "unlimited access"! I can't even get the advertised speeds, and they're throttling! I put in a call to our account manager, complained and he put in a memo on our behalf to leave the settings where they are, without throttling.

The wind is whipping out of the southwest, at around 40 mph. I actually like it when it's this windy, always have. Pretty dang cold though. We have 14 mph here, and the wind chill is -8.

Dad left for Anchorage this morning. He's has some medical appointments, and Mom is heading in on Thursday to be with him.

Miss my family. Elijah had his braces put on this morning. He's pretty psyched about the whole thing. More then likely because Brandon has them. He's not to thrilled about the list of foods he isn't able to eat anymore, though.

I've included some pictures of our day. Enjoy.


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