Friday, September 15, 2006


Hey! Guess what?? I was invited to attend a ceremony in the decaying apple! NY, NY that is. I was supposed to be representing BBNA at a Citgo sponsered ceremony. You may notice I'm saying "supposed to be", that's because I've made a decision to not go. There were many factors surrounding that decision....Nancy couldn't's basically a one day trip to fly clear across the country, turn right around and fly back....the per diem issue is bad...$64 a day for meals in New York City!! Ridiculous! Oh well. Can't wait for Kodiak!

I've included some pictures of the picnic Nancy, Eliajh and I had a couple of weeks ago. Great fun, and the perfect beach to have it on. We deemed it "Our Beach". So, for those of you out seeking great beaches to picnic upon, seek on...just stay away from ours!! LOL!

Those are hobos on the fire, my dad's boat, and my son doing his fly guy routine.


1 comment:

Connie Marie said...

Gave up NY??? For so much traveling in so little time, I would too. So soon after being on a plane myself, I can totally sympathize with you not wanting to do that trip.

What a beautiful beach you all have, nice boat and I think I have seen that routine somewhere before ---or something similar. (My grandchildren.)