Tuesday, November 21, 2006


When I'm standing outside on an evening like this, looking at that sunset, breathing in the cold air, hearing only the occasional ATV or voice break the silence, I'm truly thankful. I'm thankful for my salvation, the wonderful gift of life He gave me.
I'm thankful for the wonderful wife He blessed me with and the beautiful son she gave me.
I'm thankful for my parents and the way they raised me. I'm thankful for the village in which I live, and the people who live here. My life ain't bad. It's not what you have that counts.
There are times when I feel overworked, or when I feel stressed out, and it isthose times that I tend to forget just how good I have it. It doesn't matter that the weather is completely unpredictable. It doesn't matter that I won't be able to go on vacation when I want to, or travel to Anchorage as much as I'd like. What matters most, are the two precious souls waiting for me at home. If it was just my faith, and those two, life would still be good. It's not what we have, but then again, maybe it is.


Connie Marie said...

What a cool shot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words. Love your blog.
From the lower 48